Heat Pump Mushroom Drying Solution

Preparation before sampling:

It is forbidden to water the day before harvest. Avoid deformation or damage due to impact when handling or placing in a bamboo basket. Cut off the mushroom roots and leave the stalks 1-2 cm long. Sort flower mushrooms, thick mushrooms, thin mushrooms, and then divide them into trays according to the variety and size, and expose them to the sun for 2-3 hours to remove part of the water.


When loading them on plates, place the cap on the top and the stalk on the bottom, and place it evenly without overlapping backlog. Shiitake mushrooms must be baked within 6 hours after harvest. If refrigerated conditions are available, the storage time can be appropriately extended.

Heat pump drying solution:

1. Enter the mushroom drying room to dry

Put the shiitake mushrooms on plates, put them on the grill, and send them to the drying room for baking. Place the large and thick ones with high moisture content on the upper layer, and the small and thin ones with low moisture content on the lower layer, and generally, the spacing between each layer should be 30 cm.

2. Temperature control

Generally, it is required to bake at 35-40℃ for 6 hours, at 40-60℃ for 8-10 hours, and at 80℃ for 2 hours. The higher the moisture content of shiitake mushrooms, the longer it takes to bake at low temperatures. After the shiitake mushrooms are sent to the mushroom dryer room, they should be roasted continuously until they are dry.

3. Dehumidification control

During the drying process of shiitake mushrooms, in addition to strictly controlling the heating temperature, timely dehumidification is also an important part. If the dried shiitake mushrooms have a water-soaked yellow color, it means that the moisture removal is not good or the temperature is not enough.

4. Quality inspection

After baking for 16-18 hours, you can open the door of the drying room to check whether the dryness of the mushrooms is qualified. During inspection, press the cap on the stipe junction with your fingers, if there are only traces, it means that the dryness is qualified; if it feels soft and the gills are also soft, continue drying.

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